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Oops the hat doesn't fit ☹️

Have you read the words "check you gauge" a thousand times and still cast on your project thinking oh its just a hat it will be fine. Only for you to finish the entire project (in my case a super cute multicolor hat) and it DOES NOT FIT!!!!! What a waste of time and material right? Wrong!! What if I told you a too small, big, or crazy fit hat can be a super cute bag. YES, you just accidentally made a bag. I know your thinking 'it doesn't look like a bag' it looks like a hat! Here comes the magic. Hold your hat at the brim and scrunch it in your hand. Looking like a little bag right... Next you need 2 straps or strings. One for your shoulder and one to close your bag. Measure your brim and make a string. I did a simple crochet chain but you can make any string that works best for you. Next weave your string in and out of the brim to make the drawstring effect. Your starting to see it as a bag now I know it and I'm smiling. Your almost done. Attach your shoulder strap or hand strap (which ever you made) to your bag. Finally, admire your bag because it's really what you wanted to make.

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